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Our Constitution

Raw Photographic Camera Club Constitution


1. Name


a) The name of the Camera Club shall be known as RAW Photographic Camera Club, hereafter referred to as the ”Club”.



2. Club meetings


a) Monthly Club meetings are normally held in the Bridge Community Centre, Lisburn on the first Tuesday of each month, September to June. The Club also has the option to conduct its meetings virtually via Zoom and on these occasions members will be advised in advance. In addition to the regular meetings monthly day-trips are normally arranged for Club members. When a regular meeting date falls on a Public/Bank holiday, an alternative date shall be notified to the members.



3. Aim


a) To meet like-minded people within a social environment in order to foster and promote an interest in the art of photography within the local community.



4. Objectives


a) To provide help and encouragement to further the expertise of members by arranging and promoting guest speakers, tutorials,  demonstrations, outings and competitions and to form classes of instruction so as to bring about a widespread and thorough knowledge of the principles of photography;


b) To promote the wellbeing of the Club’s Membership and to work together irrespective of age, sexual orientation, gender, race, physical ability, religion, political view or photographic ability; and


c) To work closely with the Northern Ireland Photographic Association (NIPA), Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council, and other public bodies in the promotion of the Club.



5. Management of the Club


a) Management of the Club shall be vested in a Committee consisting of the following office holders:


  • Chairperson;

  • Honorary Secretary;

  • Honorary Treasurer;

  • NIPA Council Member

  • and up to four Club Members. All members of the Committee shall be elected each year at the Annual General Meeting (AGM). Where a particular post is uncontested the outgoing post holder will automatically be re-elected;


b) Four members of the Committee, one of which must be an office holder, shall constitute a quorum;


c) The Committee shall make decisions determined by a majority vote;


d) Nominations to fill vacancies on the Committee should be made to the Club Secretary in writing within one week of the date of the AGM being
announced. Each nomination should be accompanied by a proposer and a seconder. New members to the Committee shall be announced at the AGM.



 6. Powers of the Committee

The Committee has the power (only in pursuing the Aims and Objectives of the Club) to:


a) provide/promote activities, services, information, guidance and resources;

b) liaise with other like-minded organisations and to affiliate to or take membership of such bodies as the Committee decide are appropriate
to further the Club’s aims and objectives;

c) acquire/hire property/equipment and to raise funds (except by taxable trading);


d) compile an inventory of equipment held by the Club and keep it regularly updated;

e) borrow and give security and let/dispose of property; Club Members may borrow equipment belonging to the Club at the discretion of the Committee but are liable for any damage, on a repair or replacement basis;

f) apply for external funding or set aside funds for special purposes, or as reserves;

g) set the amount of and collect the yearly subscription fees from members and operate bank accounts using financial instruments;

h) delegate management; co-opt a Member or Members to join the Committee. Such co-option shall only have effect until the next AGM;

i) manage, promote and control the use of the Club’s social media platforms;

j) draw up an annual programme of meetings and outdoor activities. A detailed copy of the programme shall be made available to Club Members through the Club’s private Facebook page and an abridged version posted on the Club’s website and public Facebook page;

k) reserve the right to impose a limit on membership numbers when it is felt that an oversubscription of members might affect the Club’s ability
to function or meet its aims and objectives;

l) place new applications for membership on a waiting list so that they can be informed when places become available;

m) undertake any other activity conducive to the promotion of the Aims and Objectives of the Club; and

n) ensure that the Club is adequately insured to cover public liability, property and its membership.



7. Financial management


​a) The Club Accounting year shall run concurrently with the Club year;

b) Any monies acquired by the Club, from fees, donations, external funding etc., shall be paid into an account in the name of the Club at an established bank or building society;

c) The Committee shall authorise the Treasurer and two members of the Committee to sign cheques on behalf of the Club. All cheques must be signed by no less than two of the three authorised signatories;

d) An auditor shall be elected at the AGM to audit the accounts before they are presented at the next AGM. The auditor shall be a member of the Club but not a member of the Committee;

e) No expenditure shall be incurred without the authority of the Committee and the Treasurer shall maintain a record of all income/expenditure. The Committee shall be accountable to the membership to ensure funds are utilised effectively and that the Club stays within budget;

f) The Treasurer shall provide a financial statement for each Committee meeting and at any other reasonable time as required by the Committee.



8. Membership


​a) Membership of the Club is open to all members of the public over the age of eighteen years irrespective of sex, sexual orientation, ethnicity, physical ability, religion, political view or photographic ability;

b) Membership of the Club implies an undertaking to comply with and abide by the Club rules as outlined in the constitution. Members will be expected to adopt the “not for profit” ethos of the Club and as such, refrain from using membership of the Club for personal financial gain;

c) A Members register shall be kept by the Club’s Secretary;

d) For subscription purposes, the Club year shall run from 1st September to 30th June;

e) Existing members shall be required to pay the full yearly subscription fee by 30th September;


f) New members may be admitted during the year at the discretion of the Club Committee. Membership shall commence when the applicant has confirmed in writing that they undertake to comply with and abide by the Club rules as outlined in the constitution. Subscription fees for members joining mid-year shall be calculated on a pro rata basis for the remainder of the club year and will become due no later than 30 days from their membership commencement date;

g) Members have the amenities, rights and obligations described within this constitution;

h) Members should advise the Club Secretary if they wish to resign from the Club and upon doing so shall be removed from the Club's private Facebook page;


i) A Member can be asked to resign by the Committee because of non-payment of their Club subscription fees in accordance with paragraphs 8e and 8f above or, if in the opinion of the Committee, it is felt that his/her continued membership is considered contrary to the Club’s best interests. In these circumstances the Member shall have the opportunity to present his/her views and can appeal against the Committee’s decision. The appeal shall be considered by the Committee and the outcome shall be decided by a majority vote of the Committee members present.



9. Annual general meetings & Committee meetings


a) Where circumstances dictate, all meetings including public meetings may be held virtually. Club members and where appropriate, members of the public shall be notified accordingly;

b) The Annual General Meeting (AGM) shall be held within fifteen months of the previous AGM and the date, venue and time of the meeting shall be notified to members by a post on the Club’s private Facebook page at least one month before the date of the meeting;

c) Members wishing to put forward items for discussion at the AGM should do so in writing to the Club Secretary within one week of the date of the AGM being announced;

d) The Committee shall meet at least quarterly or as required;

e) The Chairperson shall take the chair at all meetings of the Club. In their absence the meeting shall elect a member to take the chair;


f) The Club Secretary shall keep a note of all Committee meetings and of the annual (and any special) general meetings;

g) In all matters requiring a vote, a majority vote by the Committee members shall be sufficient. In all cases the Chairperson shall have the casting vote;


h) Only members who have paid their subscription fees in full shall be entitled to vote at any meeting of the Club;

i) A special general meeting shall be convened by the Club Secretary within one month of receipt of a written request for such a meeting signed by not fewer than 10 Club members outlining the purpose for which the meeting is required. The Committee also has the power to summon a special general meeting of the Club. The notice convening such meeting shall be posted on the Club’s private Facebook page at least 7 days beforehand and shall be accompanied by the full agenda. No business outside the agenda can be transacted at such a meeting.



10. Policy for safeguarding children and adults at risk or in need of protection


a) The Club is committed to policies which promote good practice and protect children and vulnerable adults from harm and shall adopt the Northern Ireland Photographic Association’s (NIPA’s) Policy in this respect;


b) A Club member shall be appointed at the AGM to oversee the Safeguarding Policy.



11. Dissolution of the Camera Club


a) In the event of the Club being dissolved there shall be no financial or other benefit to any Member of the Club. The Club's assets shall be sold and the proceeds distributed to a local Charity or a number of local Charities. The members of the Committee shall oversee the sale and the distribution of sale funds.


12. Alteration or amendments to the Constitution


a) The Constitution may be amended only at the AGM or a special general meeting. Members wishing to put forward amendments should submit the full text of the amendments to the Club Secretary at least three weeks before the date of either meetings. The proposed amendment must be supported by a proposer and a seconder.



13. Constitution


a) The updated constitution was adopted by the Club’s membership at the AGM on 28 April 2022 and afterwards posted on the Club’s social media platform.



Appendix 1
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